Monday, March 27, 2006

eyeOS Tips & Tricks

eyeOS has many features which are sometimes not obvious to the new user and even not so new user. We would like to ask you to submit your tricks and tips for eyeOS users. We will publish the best ones in!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Automatically launching an app each time you log in:
In the Application Manager, select Manage Apps and enter ( ) in the text box of the apps that want to launch.

Checking eyeBoard/eyeMessages:
If you provide an auto load parameter of (check) for eyeBoard or eyeMessages in the AppManager, they will start only if there are new messages since you last checked them.

Starting eyeNav at a different URL:
In App Manager, select Manage Apps and enter the full URL of the startup page between parentheses in the text box for eyeNAV. e.g ( Don't forget to begin it with http://!

Expanding Public Documents:
Public documents are those that can be viewed and changed by all users. They are available next to the private document list in eyeEdit. Ask for help, meet people, or expand the Whish list for

If you want to send us new tips and tricks, just send a message from eyeMessages to the user tips. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Refreshing our look

We have just updated the default eyeOS theme! Hope you will like it! We have also uploaded a new theme called "animus". For trying it, just go to eyeOptions and select it! This new theme was made by a company called AnimusMedia for eyeOS.

We are working very hard for the new eyeOS version, with a completely new design, lots of improvements and new apps. Finally, we have just reached the 7000 users. Thanks to everybody!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Meeting people!

Remember that you can use eyeMessages to send messages to other users in the server. At this time, there are almost 6,000 users in this server alone ... so ask your friends for their username and start exchanging messages from within eyeOS! You can also publish people you want to meet in eyeBoard!

We will be showing more tips in the coming days... And new powerful apps too ;)

Thanks to everybody!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Welcome everybody!

In first place, thanks to everybody. This is amazing. We are five thousand users here, and there are a lot of plans to make this community grow and grow! Anybody who would like to see something special inside eyeOS can contact us at

Our next big thing will be a new app for creating groups and manage them inside Anime, Cars, A small town group... Everybody will be able to subscribe to the groups, see the other members inside it, talk with them and write in a group public board!

Finally, we would like to remember that eyeOS is Open Source and free! :)