Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's coming on eyeOS 1.2, part III

After some weeks without continuing the posts about the eyeOS improvements that will be included in eyeOS 1.2, we can start them again with the new Multiple Uploads System and Automathing Image Thumbnails in eyeFiles:

In first place, the new eyeUpload (called eyeUploadX), developed by nanawel (who is also developing the great eyeFTP, first FTP app developed with eyeOS Toolkit).

The new eyeUploadX replaces eyeUpload when Flash v8 or later is installed in the browser (else the traditional eyeUpload is displayed), and allows multiple file uploads with a real time progress bar for each one:

In second place, the reloaded eyeFiles also includes automatic image thumbnails when the GD graphics library extension is detected in the server. The result is impressive:

Stay tuned for new coming posts about eyeOS 1.2, with new breaking apps included...

Last posts about new eyeOS 1.2:
Part 1: Java Applets Widget
Part 2: eyeMail


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Thumbnails, eyeFiles begins to be really rich.
Now if we could switch between eyeFiles and eyeExplorer, it will be almost perfect. ^^

Thursday, August 30, 2007  
Blogger Daniel Sousa said...

I think the both applications (eyeFiles and eyeExplorer) should be together...

Monday, September 03, 2007  

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